Local Groups
actlocally.info (online calendar for local environmental, peace, and social justice events)
Bay Area Restoration Council (BARC)
Hamilton Community Peregrine Project
Ontario Public Interest Research Group McMaster (OPIRG McMaster)
Provincial Groups
Citizens Opposed to Paving the Escarpment (COPE)
Coalition on the Niagara Escarpment (CONE)
Federation of Ontario Naturalists (FON)
Ontario Environment Network (OEN)
Waterfront Regeneration Trust (Waterfront Trail Project)
National Groups
Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)
The Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development
Government Ministries, Departments & Agencies
Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA)
Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Disclaimer: The Conserver Society is an independent, non-partisan organization; the opinions expressed on the websites of organizations listed on this page are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Conserver Society of Hamilton & District.