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Ed Smee Conserver Society Environmental Fund

2016 Funding Round


The Ed Smee Environmental Fund is now inviting community groups with small projects focused on education, research, or advocacy aimed at protecting the natural environment in Hamilton and Burlington to submit letters of intent. For more information on the Ed Smee Environmental Fund, please visit our website:

Send an email briefly describing your project to ascertain its eligibility for a grant (maximum 350 words). Send email notices-of-interest to Please include your name, email, and phone number in the email body.

Notices of Interest will be received until November 30, 2015. If your Notice of Interest is accepted by the Committee, you will be invited to submit an application. Applications will be due by January 31, 2016 and funding will be awarded in February 2016.

Requests of up to $3,000 will be considered.

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